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AS 568A Std Sizes
Chemical Resistance
Radial O-Ring Selector
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This calculator allows you to find the recommended O-Ring inner diameter and range of cross section diameters that will fit a given gland size and tolerance range in a radial seal.
  Bore diameter, Bd:    
  Bore Tolerance, Btol:    
  Groove Diameter, Gd:    
  Groove Tolerance, Gtol:    
  O-Ring maximum compression, Cmax:     %
  O-Ring minimum compression, Cmin:     %
  O-Ring cross-section diameter tolerance, CStol:    
  Max. cross-section diameter (excl. tol.), CSmax:  0.068  in
  Min. cross-section diameter (excl. tol.), CSmin:  0.065  in
  Your input CS tolerance, CStol:  0.003  in
  Industry-recommended CS tolerance:  0.003  in
  Recommended O-Ring inner diameter, IDrec:  0.392  in
  Suggested groove width, GW:  0.103  in
Equations Behind the Calculator
This calculator implements the following two equations to determine the bounds on the cross-section diameter CS,

The recommended tolerance is based on the cross-section diameter, and is found from the following table:

Cross Section Diameter
Recommended Tolerance
CS < 0.104 0.003
0.104 < CS < 0.139 0.004
0.139 < CS < 0.210 0.005
0.210 < CS < 0.275 0.006
0.275 < CS 0.008
The recommended inner diameter is found by stretching the O-Ring circumference by 2% over the minimum Groove Diameter,

The suggested groove width follows from,

More information is provided on the Design Guideline page.

CNC Machining Design Guide

Optimize your designs, reduce machining time, and lower your costs.

Mechanical Engineers Outlook

Guide for those interested in becoming a mechanical engineer. Includes qualifications, pay, and job duties.

Salary Expectation

8 things to know about the interview question "What's your salary expectation"?

3D Scanners

A white paper to assist in the evaluation of 3D scanning hardware solutions.