Found 15 records |

Name | Class | Alloy Type |
AISI 1110 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized |
AISI 1117 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized |
AISI 1118 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized |
AISI 1137 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized |
AISI 1139 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized |
AISI 1140 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized |
AISI 1141 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized |
AISI 1144 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized |
AISI 1145 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized |
AISI 1146 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized |
AISI 1151 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized |
AISI 1211 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized and rephosphorized |
AISI 1212 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized and rephosphorized |
AISI 1213 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized and rephosphorized |
AISI 1215 | Carbon steel | Standard resulfurized and rephosphorized |