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Magnesium Alloys
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Selecting the Right 3D Printer

Discover how to choose the right 3D printer for your needs and the key performance attributes to consider.

Injection Molding Design Guide

Guide for high quality and cost-effective plastic injection molding.

Metal 3D Printing Design Guide

Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) 3D printing for parts with reduced cost and little waste.

STEM Career Outlook

Wages, employment opportunities, and growth projections for STEM jobs.

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Magnesium Alloy
Name Processes and Available Forms
ASTM AM100A-T61  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM AM60A-F  die casting 
ASTM AS41A-F  die casting 
ASTM AZ10A-F  extruded bar and shape 
ASTM AZ21X1-F  extruded bar and shape 
ASTM AZ31B-F  extruded bar and shape 
ASTM AZ31B-H24  sheet and plate 
ASTM AZ31C-F  extruded bar and shape 
ASTM AZ61A-F  extruded bar and shape 
ASTM AZ63A-T6  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM AZ80A-T5  extruded bar and shape 
ASTM AZ81A-T4  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM AZ91A-F  die casting 
ASTM AZ91B-F  die casting 
ASTM AZ91C-T6  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM AZ92A-T6  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM EZ33A-T5  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM HK31A-H24  sheet and plate 
ASTM HK31A-T6  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM HM21A-T8  sheet and plate 
ASTM HM31A-F  extruded bar and shape 
ASTM HZ32A-T5  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM K1A-F  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM M1A-F  Extruded bar and shape 
ASTM PE  sheet and plate 
ASTM QE22A-T6  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM QH21A-T6  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM ZE41A-T5  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM ZE63A-T6  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
ASTM ZH62A-T5  sand casting, permanent mold casting 
 1-30 (of 36 found)  next >>
Selecting the Right 3D Printer

Discover how to choose the right 3D printer for your needs and the key performance attributes to consider.

Injection Molding Design Guide

Guide for high quality and cost-effective plastic injection molding.

Metal 3D Printing Design Guide

Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) 3D printing for parts with reduced cost and little waste.

STEM Career Outlook

Wages, employment opportunities, and growth projections for STEM jobs.