3D Scanners

A white paper to assist in the evaluation of 3D scanning hardware solutions.

Essentials of Manufacturing

Information, coverage of important developments and expert commentary in manufacturing.

Selecting the Right 3D Printer

Discover how to choose the right 3D printer for your needs and the key performance attributes to consider.

Mechanical Engineers Outlook

Guide for those interested in becoming a mechanical engineer. Includes qualifications, pay, and job duties.

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Centroid Of An Area
The centroid of an area is similar to the center of mass of a body. Calculating the centroid involves only the geometrical shape of the area. The center of gravity will equal the centroid if the body is homogenous i.e. constant density. Integration formulas for calculating the Centroid are:
When calculating the centroid of a complex shape. Divide the shape up into a combination of known shapes. Then use the the following formula:
The distance from the y-axis to the centroid is Cx
The distance from the x-axis to the centroid is Cy
The coordinates of the centroid are (Cx , Cy)
3D Scanners

A white paper to assist in the evaluation of 3D scanning hardware solutions.

Essentials of Manufacturing

Information, coverage of important developments and expert commentary in manufacturing.

Selecting the Right 3D Printer

Discover how to choose the right 3D printer for your needs and the key performance attributes to consider.

Mechanical Engineers Outlook

Guide for those interested in becoming a mechanical engineer. Includes qualifications, pay, and job duties.