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The S-N curve eastimate the service life of materials above 103 (often >104) cycles. The corresponding stress level is usually below 2/3 of yielding stress. The "low-cycle fatigue" model, on the other hand, is made for 104 cycles and below. The stress level usually steps into plastic range.
Strain-Life Equation

When plastic strain occurs, the service life of material decreases, often no more than 104, a.k.a., in low-cycle fatigue range. The research of low-cycle fatigue was traditioanlly done for pressure vessels, power machinery that are exposed to a heat source/sink which induces thermal expension (thermal stress) to the structure. The low-cycle fatigue is usually presented as the plastic strain in log scale against cycles to failure N also in log scale.

To add Fig 12-13, low-cycle fatigue

The result of low-cycle fatigue is near a straight line for common metal meterials such as steel and is often referred as Coffin-Manson relation:

where is the amplitude of plastic strain.
is fatigue dutility coefficient defined by the strain intercept at 2N = 1. For common metal materials, .
N is the number of strain cycles to failure and 2N is the number of strain reversals to failure.
c if called fatigue ductility exponent. For common metal materials, -0.7 < c < -0.5. A smaller c value results in a longer fatigue life.
Bridge between High and Low Cycles

The Coffine-Manson formula describes the relationship between plastic strain and fatigue life in the low-cycle high-strain fatigue regime. Basquin's equation, on the other hand, describe high-cycle low strain behavior

where is the amplitude of alterning stress
is the amplitude of elastic strain
E is Young's modulus
is fatigue strength coefficient and is approximately equal to the monotonic true fracture stress .
N is the number of strain cycles to failure and 2N is the number of strain reversals to failure.
b if called fatigue strength exponent. For common metal materials, -0.12 < b < -0.05. A smaller c value results in a longer fatigue life.
Universal Strain-Life Equation

Manson proposed a simplified formula known as the mothod of universal slopes

where is the amplitude of alterning stress.
is the true strain at fracture intension.
E is Young's modulus.
N is the number of strain cycles to failure.
3D Scanners

A white paper to assist in the evaluation of 3D scanning hardware solutions.

Injection Molding Design Guide

Guide for high quality and cost-effective plastic injection molding.

Mechanical Engineers Outlook

Guide for those interested in becoming a mechanical engineer. Includes qualifications, pay, and job duties.

Selecting the Right 3D Printer

Discover how to choose the right 3D printer for your needs and the key performance attributes to consider.