Force Equilibrium |
The equilibrium equations describe how the plate carries external pressure loads with its internal stresses. To enforce equilibrium, consider the balance of forces and moments acting on a small section of plate. There are six (6) equilibrium equations, three for the forces and three for the moments, that need to be satisfied. The equations of force equilibrium are x direction:
y direction:
z direction:
where Nx, Ny, Nxy, Nyx, Qxz, and Qyz are force resultants; px, py, and pz are distributed external forces applied on the plate. The equations of moment equilibrium are x direction:
y direction:
z direction:
where Mx, My, Mxy, Myx, Nxy, and Nyx are moment resultants; and mx, my, and mz are distributed external moments applied on the plate. Note that all second and higher order terms are neglected. |
Further Simplicification |
To further simplify the problem, consider a plate subjected to transverse loads. In other words, only pz is the non-zero external force. All forces and moments in other directions are zero: px=py=mx=my=mz=0 The above six equations of equilibrium become Due to the lack of external force components other than pz, the shear stresses at any given point are paired as follows: This yields |