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Glossary » Beams » Simply Supported » Uniformly Distributed Load » Four Equal Spans » Aluminum I Beam » 12.00 × 14.292
Aluminum I Beam | Single Span | Two Equal Spans | Three Equal Spans | Four Equal Spans

For a simply supported beam in four equal spans, we compute the displacement at the middle of the first and fourth spans, and the maximum normal stress stress_max occuring at the second and fourth supports of the beam.
The tabulated data listed in this page are calculated based on the area moment of inertia (Ixx = 317.33 in4) for the 12.00 × 14.292 Aluminum I Beam and the typical Young's modulus (E = 1.015 × 107 psi) of Aluminum Alloys. Note that the typical yielding stress Yield of Aluminum Alloys can range from 4061 to 7.614 × 104 psi. The purpose of this page is to give a rough estimation of the load-bearing capacity of this particular beam, rather than a guideline for designing actual building structures. Please check your local building codes for regulatory requirements.
Note: The weight of the beam itself is not included in the calculation.
L = 3 ft
L = 5 ft
L = 10 ft
L = 15 ft
L = 20 ft
L = 25 ft
L = 30 ft
L = 40 ft
L = 50 ft
L = 60 ft
L = 70 ft
L = 80 ft
L = 90 ft
L = 100 ft
L = 125 ft
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 3.00 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 3.91 × 10-6 3.13
20.0 5.47 × 10-6 4.37
30.0 8.21 × 10-6 6.56
40.0 1.09 × 10-5 8.75
50.0 1.37 × 10-5 10.9
60.0 1.64 × 10-5 13.1
70.0 1.92 × 10-5 15.3
80.0 2.19 × 10-5 17.5
90.0 2.46 × 10-5 19.7
100 2.74 × 10-5 21.9
200 5.47 × 10-5 43.7
300 8.21 × 10-5 65.6
400 1.09 × 10-4 87.5
500 1.37 × 10-4 109
600 1.64 × 10-4 131
700 1.92 × 10-4 153
800 2.19 × 10-4 175
900 2.46 × 10-4 197
1000 2.74 × 10-4 219
2000 5.47 × 10-4 437
3000 8.21 × 10-4 656
4000 0.00109 875
5000 0.00137 1090
6000 0.00164 1310
7000 0.00192 1530
8000 0.00219 1750
9000 0.00246 1970
1.00 × 104 0.00274 2190
2.00 × 104 0.00547 4370
3.00 × 104 0.00821 6560
4.00 × 104 0.0109 8750
5.00 × 104 0.0137 1.09 × 104
6.00 × 104 0.0164 1.31 × 104
7.00 × 104 0.0192 1.53 × 104
8.00 × 104 0.0219 1.75 × 104
9.00 × 104 0.0246 1.97 × 104
1.00 × 105 0.0274 2.19 × 104
2.00 × 105 0.0547 4.37 × 104
3.00 × 105 0.0821 6.56 × 104
3.48 × 105 0.0953 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 5.00 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 3.02 × 10-5 8.68
20.0 4.22 × 10-5 12.2
30.0 6.34 × 10-5 18.2
40.0 8.45 × 10-5 24.3
50.0 1.06 × 10-4 30.4
60.0 1.27 × 10-4 36.5
70.0 1.48 × 10-4 42.5
80.0 1.69 × 10-4 48.6
90.0 1.90 × 10-4 54.7
100 2.11 × 10-4 60.8
200 4.22 × 10-4 122
300 6.34 × 10-4 182
400 8.45 × 10-4 243
500 0.00106 304
600 0.00127 365
700 0.00148 425
800 0.00169 486
900 0.00190 547
1000 0.00211 608
2000 0.00422 1220
3000 0.00634 1820
4000 0.00845 2430
5000 0.0106 3040
6000 0.0127 3650
7000 0.0148 4250
8000 0.0169 4860
9000 0.0190 5470
1.00 × 104 0.0211 6080
2.00 × 104 0.0422 1.22 × 104
3.00 × 104 0.0634 1.82 × 104
4.00 × 104 0.0845 2.43 × 104
5.00 × 104 0.106 3.04 × 104
6.00 × 104 0.127 3.65 × 104
7.00 × 104 0.148 4.25 × 104
8.00 × 104 0.169 4.86 × 104
9.00 × 104 0.190 5.47 × 104
1.00 × 105 0.211 6.08 × 104
1.25 × 105 0.265 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 10.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 4.83 × 10-4 34.7
20.0 6.76 × 10-4 48.6
30.0 0.00101 72.9
40.0 0.00135 97.2
50.0 0.00169 122
60.0 0.00203 146
70.0 0.00237 170
80.0 0.00270 194
90.0 0.00304 219
100 0.00338 243
200 0.00676 486
300 0.0101 729
400 0.0135 972
500 0.0169 1220
600 0.0203 1460
700 0.0237 1700
800 0.0270 1940
900 0.0304 2190
1000 0.0338 2430
2000 0.0676 4860
3000 0.101 7290
4000 0.135 9720
5000 0.169 1.22 × 104
6000 0.203 1.46 × 104
7000 0.237 1.70 × 104
8000 0.270 1.94 × 104
9000 0.304 2.19 × 104
1.00 × 104 0.338 2.43 × 104
2.00 × 104 0.676 4.86 × 104
3.00 × 104 1.01 7.29 × 104
3.13 × 104 1.06 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 15.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.00244 78.1
20.0 0.00342 109
30.0 0.00513 164
40.0 0.00684 219
50.0 0.00855 273
60.0 0.0103 328
70.0 0.0120 383
80.0 0.0137 437
90.0 0.0154 492
100 0.0171 547
200 0.0342 1090
300 0.0513 1640
400 0.0684 2190
500 0.0855 2730
600 0.103 3280
700 0.120 3830
800 0.137 4370
900 0.154 4920
1000 0.171 5470
2000 0.342 1.09 × 104
3000 0.513 1.64 × 104
4000 0.684 2.19 × 104
5000 0.855 2.73 × 104
6000 1.03 3.28 × 104
7000 1.20 3.83 × 104
8000 1.37 4.37 × 104
9000 1.54 4.92 × 104
1.00 × 104 1.71 5.47 × 104
1.39 × 104 2.38 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 20.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.00773 139
20.0 0.0108 194
30.0 0.0162 292
40.0 0.0216 389
50.0 0.0270 486
60.0 0.0324 583
70.0 0.0378 680
80.0 0.0433 778
90.0 0.0487 875
100 0.0541 972
200 0.108 1940
300 0.162 2920
400 0.216 3890
500 0.270 4860
600 0.324 5830
700 0.378 6800
800 0.433 7780
900 0.487 8750
1000 0.541 9720
2000 1.08 1.94 × 104
3000 1.62 2.92 × 104
4000 2.16 3.89 × 104
5000 2.70 4.86 × 104
6000 3.24 5.83 × 104
7000 3.78 6.80 × 104
7830 4.24 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 25.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.0189 217
20.0 0.0264 304
30.0 0.0396 456
40.0 0.0528 608
50.0 0.0660 759
60.0 0.0792 911
70.0 0.0924 1060
80.0 0.106 1220
90.0 0.119 1370
100 0.132 1520
200 0.264 3040
300 0.396 4560
400 0.528 6080
500 0.660 7590
600 0.792 9110
700 0.924 1.06 × 104
800 1.06 1.22 × 104
900 1.19 1.37 × 104
1000 1.32 1.52 × 104
2000 2.64 3.04 × 104
3000 3.96 4.56 × 104
4000 5.28 6.08 × 104
5000 6.60 7.59 × 104
5010 6.62 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 30.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.0391 313
20.0 0.0547 437
30.0 0.0821 656
40.0 0.109 875
50.0 0.137 1090
60.0 0.164 1310
70.0 0.192 1530
80.0 0.219 1750
90.0 0.246 1970
100 0.274 2190
200 0.547 4370
300 0.821 6560
400 1.09 8750
500 1.37 1.09 × 104
600 1.64 1.31 × 104
700 1.92 1.53 × 104
800 2.19 1.75 × 104
900 2.46 1.97 × 104
1000 2.74 2.19 × 104
2000 5.47 4.37 × 104
3000 8.21 6.56 × 104
3480 9.53 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 40.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.124 556
20.0 0.173 778
30.0 0.260 1170
40.0 0.346 1560
50.0 0.433 1940
60.0 0.519 2330
70.0 0.606 2720
80.0 0.692 3110
90.0 0.779 3500
100 0.865 3890
200 1.73 7780
300 2.60 1.17 × 104
400 3.46 1.56 × 104
500 4.33 1.94 × 104
600 5.19 2.33 × 104
700 6.06 2.72 × 104
800 6.92 3.11 × 104
900 7.79 3.50 × 104
1000 8.65 3.89 × 104
1960 16.9 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 50.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.302 868
20.0 0.422 1220
30.0 0.634 1820
40.0 0.845 2430
50.0 1.06 3040
60.0 1.27 3650
70.0 1.48 4250
80.0 1.69 4860
90.0 1.90 5470
100 2.11 6080
200 4.22 1.22 × 104
300 6.34 1.82 × 104
400 8.45 2.43 × 104
500 10.6 3.04 × 104
568 12.0 3.45 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 60.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.626 1250
20.0 0.876 1750
30.0 1.31 2620
40.0 1.75 3500
50.0 2.19 4370
60.0 2.63 5250
70.0 3.07 6120
80.0 3.50 7000
90.0 3.94 7870
100 4.38 8750
200 8.76 1.75 × 104
274 12.0 2.40 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 70.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 1.16 1700
20.0 1.62 2380
30.0 2.43 3570
40.0 3.25 4760
50.0 4.06 5950
60.0 4.87 7140
70.0 5.68 8330
80.0 6.49 9530
90.0 7.30 1.07 × 104
100 8.11 1.19 × 104
148 12.0 1.76 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 80.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 1.98 2220
20.0 2.77 3110
30.0 4.15 4670
40.0 5.54 6220
50.0 6.92 7780
60.0 8.30 9330
70.0 9.69 1.09 × 104
80.0 11.1 1.24 × 104
86.7 12.0 1.35 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 90.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 3.17 2810
20.0 4.43 3940
30.0 6.65 5900
40.0 8.87 7870
50.0 11.1 9840
54.1 12.0 1.07 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 100 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 4.83 3470
20.0 6.76 4860
30.0 10.1 7290
35.5 12.0 8630
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 125 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 11.8 5430
14.5 12.0 5520
Additional Information
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