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Glossary » Beams » Simply Supported » Uniformly Distributed Load » Four Equal Spans » Aluminum I Beam » 6.00 × 4.692
Aluminum I Beam | Single Span | Two Equal Spans | Three Equal Spans | Four Equal Spans

For a simply supported beam in four equal spans, we compute the displacement at the middle of the first and fourth spans, and the maximum normal stress stress_max occuring at the second and fourth supports of the beam.
The tabulated data listed in this page are calculated based on the area moment of inertia (Ixx = 25.5 in4) for the 6.00 × 4.692 Aluminum I Beam and the typical Young's modulus (E = 1.015 × 107 psi) of Aluminum Alloys. Note that the typical yielding stress Yield of Aluminum Alloys can range from 4061 to 7.614 × 104 psi. The purpose of this page is to give a rough estimation of the load-bearing capacity of this particular beam, rather than a guideline for designing actual building structures. Please check your local building codes for regulatory requirements.
Note: The weight of the beam itself is not included in the calculation.
L = 3 ft
L = 5 ft
L = 10 ft
L = 15 ft
L = 20 ft
L = 25 ft
L = 30 ft
L = 40 ft
L = 50 ft
L = 60 ft
L = 70 ft
Aluminum I Beam: 6.00 × 4.692 (6.00 inch tall × 4.692 lbf/ft)
L = 3.00 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
4.69 1.60 × 10-5 6.38
5.00 1.70 × 10-5 6.80
6.00 2.04 × 10-5 8.16
7.00 2.38 × 10-5 9.53
8.00 2.72 × 10-5 10.9
9.00 3.07 × 10-5 12.2
10.0 3.41 × 10-5 13.6
20.0 6.81 × 10-5 27.2
30.0 1.02 × 10-4 40.8
40.0 1.36 × 10-4 54.4
50.0 1.70 × 10-4 68.0
60.0 2.04 × 10-4 81.6
70.0 2.38 × 10-4 95.3
80.0 2.72 × 10-4 109
90.0 3.07 × 10-4 122
100 3.41 × 10-4 136
200 6.81 × 10-4 272
300 0.00102 408
400 0.00136 544
500 0.00170 680
600 0.00204 816
700 0.00238 953
800 0.00272 1090
900 0.00307 1220
1000 0.00341 1360
2000 0.00681 2720
3000 0.0102 4080
4000 0.0136 5440
5000 0.0170 6800
6000 0.0204 8160
7000 0.0238 9530
8000 0.0272 1.09 × 104
9000 0.0307 1.22 × 104
1.00 × 104 0.0341 1.36 × 104
2.00 × 104 0.0681 2.72 × 104
3.00 × 104 0.102 4.08 × 104
4.00 × 104 0.136 5.44 × 104
5.00 × 104 0.170 6.80 × 104
5.60 × 104 0.191 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 6.00 × 4.692 (6.00 inch tall × 4.692 lbf/ft)
L = 5.00 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
4.69 1.23 × 10-4 17.7
5.00 1.31 × 10-4 18.9
6.00 1.58 × 10-4 22.7
7.00 1.84 × 10-4 26.5
8.00 2.10 × 10-4 30.2
9.00 2.37 × 10-4 34.0
10.0 2.63 × 10-4 37.8
20.0 5.26 × 10-4 75.6
30.0 7.88 × 10-4 113
40.0 0.00105 151
50.0 0.00131 189
60.0 0.00158 227
70.0 0.00184 265
80.0 0.00210 302
90.0 0.00237 340
100 0.00263 378
200 0.00526 756
300 0.00788 1130
400 0.0105 1510
500 0.0131 1890
600 0.0158 2270
700 0.0184 2650
800 0.0210 3020
900 0.0237 3400
1000 0.0263 3780
2000 0.0526 7560
3000 0.0788 1.13 × 104
4000 0.105 1.51 × 104
5000 0.131 1.89 × 104
6000 0.158 2.27 × 104
7000 0.184 2.65 × 104
8000 0.210 3.02 × 104
9000 0.237 3.40 × 104
1.00 × 104 0.263 3.78 × 104
2.00 × 104 0.526 7.56 × 104
2.01 × 104 0.529 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 6.00 × 4.692 (6.00 inch tall × 4.692 lbf/ft)
L = 10.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
4.69 0.00197 70.9
5.00 0.00210 75.6
6.00 0.00252 90.7
7.00 0.00294 106
8.00 0.00336 121
9.00 0.00378 136
10.0 0.00420 151
20.0 0.00841 302
30.0 0.0126 454
40.0 0.0168 605
50.0 0.0210 756
60.0 0.0252 907
70.0 0.0294 1060
80.0 0.0336 1210
90.0 0.0378 1360
100 0.0420 1510
200 0.0841 3020
300 0.126 4540
400 0.168 6050
500 0.210 7560
600 0.252 9070
700 0.294 1.06 × 104
800 0.336 1.21 × 104
900 0.378 1.36 × 104
1000 0.420 1.51 × 104
2000 0.841 3.02 × 104
3000 1.26 4.54 × 104
4000 1.68 6.05 × 104
5000 2.10 7.56 × 104
5040 2.12 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 6.00 × 4.692 (6.00 inch tall × 4.692 lbf/ft)
L = 15.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
4.69 0.00999 160
5.00 0.0106 170
6.00 0.0128 204
7.00 0.0149 238
8.00 0.0170 272
9.00 0.0192 306
10.0 0.0213 340
20.0 0.0426 680
30.0 0.0639 1020
40.0 0.0852 1360
50.0 0.106 1700
60.0 0.128 2040
70.0 0.149 2380
80.0 0.170 2720
90.0 0.192 3060
100 0.213 3400
200 0.426 6800
300 0.639 1.02 × 104
400 0.852 1.36 × 104
500 1.06 1.70 × 104
600 1.28 2.04 × 104
700 1.49 2.38 × 104
800 1.70 2.72 × 104
900 1.92 3.06 × 104
1000 2.13 3.40 × 104
2000 4.26 6.80 × 104
2240 4.76 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 6.00 × 4.692 (6.00 inch tall × 4.692 lbf/ft)
L = 20.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
4.69 0.0316 284
5.00 0.0336 302
6.00 0.0404 363
7.00 0.0471 423
8.00 0.0538 484
9.00 0.0606 544
10.0 0.0673 605
20.0 0.135 1210
30.0 0.202 1810
40.0 0.269 2420
50.0 0.336 3020
60.0 0.404 3630
70.0 0.471 4230
80.0 0.538 4840
90.0 0.606 5440
100 0.673 6050
200 1.35 1.21 × 104
300 2.02 1.81 × 104
400 2.69 2.42 × 104
500 3.36 3.02 × 104
600 4.04 3.63 × 104
700 4.71 4.23 × 104
800 5.38 4.84 × 104
892 6.00 5.39 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 6.00 × 4.692 (6.00 inch tall × 4.692 lbf/ft)
L = 25.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
4.69 0.0771 443
5.00 0.0821 473
6.00 0.0986 567
7.00 0.115 662
8.00 0.131 756
9.00 0.148 851
10.0 0.164 945
20.0 0.329 1890
30.0 0.493 2840
40.0 0.657 3780
50.0 0.821 4730
60.0 0.986 5670
70.0 1.15 6620
80.0 1.31 7560
90.0 1.48 8510
100 1.64 9450
200 3.29 1.89 × 104
300 4.93 2.84 × 104
365 6.00 3.45 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 6.00 × 4.692 (6.00 inch tall × 4.692 lbf/ft)
L = 30.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
4.69 0.160 638
5.00 0.170 680
6.00 0.204 816
7.00 0.238 953
8.00 0.272 1090
9.00 0.307 1220
10.0 0.341 1360
20.0 0.681 2720
30.0 1.02 4080
40.0 1.36 5440
50.0 1.70 6800
60.0 2.04 8160
70.0 2.38 9530
80.0 2.72 1.09 × 104
90.0 3.07 1.22 × 104
100 3.41 1.36 × 104
176 6.00 2.40 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 6.00 × 4.692 (6.00 inch tall × 4.692 lbf/ft)
L = 40.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
4.69 0.505 1140
5.00 0.538 1210
6.00 0.646 1450
7.00 0.754 1690
8.00 0.861 1940
9.00 0.969 2180
10.0 1.08 2420
20.0 2.15 4840
30.0 3.23 7260
40.0 4.31 9680
50.0 5.38 1.21 × 104
55.7 6.00 1.35 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 6.00 × 4.692 (6.00 inch tall × 4.692 lbf/ft)
L = 50.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
4.69 1.23 1770
5.00 1.31 1890
6.00 1.58 2270
7.00 1.84 2650
8.00 2.10 3020
9.00 2.37 3400
10.0 2.63 3780
20.0 5.26 7560
22.8 6.00 8630
Aluminum I Beam: 6.00 × 4.692 (6.00 inch tall × 4.692 lbf/ft)
L = 60.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
4.69 2.56 2550
5.00 2.72 2720
6.00 3.27 3270
7.00 3.81 3810
8.00 4.36 4350
9.00 4.90 4900
10.0 5.45 5440
11.0 6.00 5990
Aluminum I Beam: 6.00 × 4.692 (6.00 inch tall × 4.692 lbf/ft)
L = 70.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
4.69 4.74 3480
5.00 5.05 3700
5.94 6.00 4400
Additional Information
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