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Glossary » Beams » Simply Supported » Uniformly Distributed Load » Four Equal Spans » Wide Flange Steel I Beam » W6 × 9
Wide Flange Steel I Beam | Single Span | Two Equal Spans | Three Equal Spans | Four Equal Spans

For a simply supported beam in four equal spans, we compute the displacement at the middle of the first and fourth spans, and the maximum normal stress stress_max occuring at the second and fourth supports of the beam.
The tabulated data listed in this page are calculated based on the area moment of inertia (Ixx = 16.4 in4) for the W6 × 9 Wide Flange Steel I Beam and the typical Young's modulus (E = 3.046 × 107 psi) of steels. Note that the typical yielding stress Yield of steels can range from 1.015 × 104 to 2.970 × 105 psi. The purpose of this page is to give a rough estimation of the load-bearing capacity of this particular beam, rather than a guideline for designing actual building structures. Please check your local building codes for regulatory requirements.
Note: The weight of the beam itself is not included in the calculation.
L = 3 ft
L = 5 ft
L = 10 ft
L = 15 ft
L = 20 ft
L = 25 ft
L = 30 ft
L = 40 ft
L = 50 ft
L = 60 ft
L = 70 ft
Steel I Beam: W6 × 9 (Wide Flange 6 inch tall × 9 lbf/ft)
L = 3.00 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
9.00 1.59 × 10-5 18.7
10.0 1.77 × 10-5 20.8
20.0 3.53 × 10-5 41.6
30.0 5.30 × 10-5 62.4
40.0 7.06 × 10-5 83.2
50.0 8.83 × 10-5 104
60.0 1.06 × 10-4 125
70.0 1.24 × 10-4 146
80.0 1.41 × 10-4 166
90.0 1.59 × 10-4 187
100 1.77 × 10-4 208
200 3.53 × 10-4 416
300 5.30 × 10-4 624
400 7.06 × 10-4 832
500 8.83 × 10-4 1040
600 0.00106 1250
700 0.00124 1460
800 0.00141 1660
900 0.00159 1870
1000 0.00177 2080
2000 0.00353 4160
3000 0.00530 6240
4000 0.00706 8320
5000 0.00883 1.04 × 104
6000 0.0106 1.25 × 104
7000 0.0124 1.46 × 104
8000 0.0141 1.66 × 104
9000 0.0159 1.87 × 104
1.00 × 104 0.0177 2.08 × 104
2.00 × 104 0.0353 4.16 × 104
3.00 × 104 0.0530 6.24 × 104
4.00 × 104 0.0706 8.32 × 104
5.00 × 104 0.0883 1.04 × 105
6.00 × 104 0.106 1.25 × 105
7.00 × 104 0.124 1.46 × 105
8.00 × 104 0.141 1.66 × 105
9.00 × 104 0.159 1.87 × 105
1.00 × 105 0.177 2.08 × 105
1.43 × 105 0.252 2.97 × 105
Steel I Beam: W6 × 9 (Wide Flange 6 inch tall × 9 lbf/ft)
L = 5.00 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
9.00 1.23 × 10-4 52.0
10.0 1.36 × 10-4 57.8
20.0 2.72 × 10-4 116
30.0 4.09 × 10-4 173
40.0 5.45 × 10-4 231
50.0 6.81 × 10-4 289
60.0 8.17 × 10-4 347
70.0 9.53 × 10-4 405
80.0 0.00109 462
90.0 0.00123 520
100 0.00136 578
200 0.00272 1160
300 0.00409 1730
400 0.00545 2310
500 0.00681 2890
600 0.00817 3470
700 0.00953 4050
800 0.0109 4620
900 0.0123 5200
1000 0.0136 5780
2000 0.0272 1.16 × 104
3000 0.0409 1.73 × 104
4000 0.0545 2.31 × 104
5000 0.0681 2.89 × 104
6000 0.0817 3.47 × 104
7000 0.0953 4.05 × 104
8000 0.109 4.62 × 104
9000 0.123 5.20 × 104
1.00 × 104 0.136 5.78 × 104
2.00 × 104 0.272 1.16 × 105
3.00 × 104 0.409 1.73 × 105
4.00 × 104 0.545 2.31 × 105
5.00 × 104 0.681 2.89 × 105
5.14 × 104 0.700 2.97 × 105
Steel I Beam: W6 × 9 (Wide Flange 6 inch tall × 9 lbf/ft)
L = 10.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
9.00 0.00196 208
10.0 0.00218 231
20.0 0.00436 462
30.0 0.00654 694
40.0 0.00872 925
50.0 0.0109 1160
60.0 0.0131 1390
70.0 0.0153 1620
80.0 0.0174 1850
90.0 0.0196 2080
100 0.0218 2310
200 0.0436 4620
300 0.0654 6940
400 0.0872 9250
500 0.109 1.16 × 104
600 0.131 1.39 × 104
700 0.153 1.62 × 104
800 0.174 1.85 × 104
900 0.196 2.08 × 104
1000 0.218 2.31 × 104
2000 0.436 4.62 × 104
3000 0.654 6.94 × 104
4000 0.872 9.25 × 104
5000 1.09 1.16 × 105
6000 1.31 1.39 × 105
7000 1.53 1.62 × 105
8000 1.74 1.85 × 105
9000 1.96 2.08 × 105
1.00 × 104 2.18 2.31 × 105
1.28 × 104 2.80 2.97 × 105
Steel I Beam: W6 × 9 (Wide Flange 6 inch tall × 9 lbf/ft)
L = 15.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
9.00 0.00993 468
10.0 0.0110 520
20.0 0.0221 1040
30.0 0.0331 1560
40.0 0.0441 2080
50.0 0.0552 2600
60.0 0.0662 3120
70.0 0.0772 3640
80.0 0.0883 4160
90.0 0.0993 4680
100 0.110 5200
200 0.221 1.04 × 104
300 0.331 1.56 × 104
400 0.441 2.08 × 104
500 0.552 2.60 × 104
600 0.662 3.12 × 104
700 0.772 3.64 × 104
800 0.883 4.16 × 104
900 0.993 4.68 × 104
1000 1.10 5.20 × 104
2000 2.21 1.04 × 105
3000 3.31 1.56 × 105
4000 4.41 2.08 × 105
5000 5.52 2.60 × 105
5710 6.30 2.97 × 105
Steel I Beam: W6 × 9 (Wide Flange 6 inch tall × 9 lbf/ft)
L = 20.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
9.00 0.0314 832
10.0 0.0349 925
20.0 0.0697 1850
30.0 0.105 2770
40.0 0.139 3700
50.0 0.174 4620
60.0 0.209 5550
70.0 0.244 6470
80.0 0.279 7400
90.0 0.314 8320
100 0.349 9250
200 0.697 1.85 × 104
300 1.05 2.77 × 104
400 1.39 3.70 × 104
500 1.74 4.62 × 104
600 2.09 5.55 × 104
700 2.44 6.47 × 104
800 2.79 7.40 × 104
900 3.14 8.32 × 104
1000 3.49 9.25 × 104
1690 5.90 1.56 × 105
Steel I Beam: W6 × 9 (Wide Flange 6 inch tall × 9 lbf/ft)
L = 25.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
9.00 0.0766 1300
10.0 0.0851 1440
20.0 0.170 2890
30.0 0.255 4330
40.0 0.341 5780
50.0 0.426 7220
60.0 0.511 8670
70.0 0.596 1.01 × 104
80.0 0.681 1.16 × 104
90.0 0.766 1.30 × 104
100 0.851 1.44 × 104
200 1.70 2.89 × 104
300 2.55 4.33 × 104
400 3.41 5.78 × 104
500 4.26 7.22 × 104
600 5.11 8.67 × 104
693 5.90 1.00 × 105
Steel I Beam: W6 × 9 (Wide Flange 6 inch tall × 9 lbf/ft)
L = 30.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
9.00 0.159 1870
10.0 0.177 2080
20.0 0.353 4160
30.0 0.530 6240
40.0 0.706 8320
50.0 0.883 1.04 × 104
60.0 1.06 1.25 × 104
70.0 1.24 1.46 × 104
80.0 1.41 1.66 × 104
90.0 1.59 1.87 × 104
100 1.77 2.08 × 104
200 3.53 4.16 × 104
300 5.30 6.24 × 104
334 5.90 6.95 × 104
Steel I Beam: W6 × 9 (Wide Flange 6 inch tall × 9 lbf/ft)
L = 40.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
9.00 0.502 3330
10.0 0.558 3700
20.0 1.12 7400
30.0 1.67 1.11 × 104
40.0 2.23 1.48 × 104
50.0 2.79 1.85 × 104
60.0 3.35 2.22 × 104
70.0 3.91 2.59 × 104
80.0 4.46 2.96 × 104
90.0 5.02 3.33 × 104
100 5.58 3.70 × 104
106 5.90 3.91 × 104
Steel I Beam: W6 × 9 (Wide Flange 6 inch tall × 9 lbf/ft)
L = 50.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
9.00 1.23 5200
10.0 1.36 5780
20.0 2.72 1.16 × 104
30.0 4.09 1.73 × 104
40.0 5.45 2.31 × 104
43.3 5.90 2.50 × 104
Steel I Beam: W6 × 9 (Wide Flange 6 inch tall × 9 lbf/ft)
L = 60.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
9.00 2.54 7490
10.0 2.82 8320
20.0 5.65 1.66 × 104
20.9 5.90 1.74 × 104
Steel I Beam: W6 × 9 (Wide Flange 6 inch tall × 9 lbf/ft)
L = 70.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
9.00 4.71 1.02 × 104
10.0 5.23 1.13 × 104
11.3 5.90 1.28 × 104
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