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Glossary » Beams » Simply Supported » Uniformly Distributed Load » Three Equal Spans » Aluminum I Beam » 12.00 × 11.672
Aluminum I Beam | Single Span | Two Equal Spans | Three Equal Spans | Four Equal Spans

For a simply supported beam in three equal spans, we compute the displacement at the middle of the first and the third spans, and the maximum normal stress stress_max occuring at the second and third supports of the beam.
The tabulated data listed in this page are calculated based on the area moment of inertia (Ixx = 255.57 in4) for the 12.00 × 11.672 Aluminum I Beam and the typical Young's modulus (E = 1.015 × 107 psi) of Aluminum Alloys. Note that the typical yielding stress Yield of Aluminum Alloys can range from 4061 to 7.614 × 104 psi. The purpose of this page is to give a rough estimation of the load-bearing capacity of this particular beam, rather than a guideline for designing actual building structures. Please check your local building codes for regulatory requirements.
Note: The weight of the beam itself is not included in the calculation.
L = 3 ft
L = 5 ft
L = 10 ft
L = 15 ft
L = 20 ft
L = 25 ft
L = 30 ft
L = 40 ft
L = 50 ft
L = 60 ft
L = 70 ft
L = 80 ft
L = 90 ft
L = 100 ft
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 3.00 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 4.28 × 10-6 2.96
20.0 7.34 × 10-6 5.07
30.0 1.10 × 10-5 7.61
40.0 1.47 × 10-5 10.1
50.0 1.83 × 10-5 12.7
60.0 2.20 × 10-5 15.2
70.0 2.57 × 10-5 17.7
80.0 2.93 × 10-5 20.3
90.0 3.30 × 10-5 22.8
100 3.67 × 10-5 25.4
200 7.34 × 10-5 50.7
300 1.10 × 10-4 76.1
400 1.47 × 10-4 101
500 1.83 × 10-4 127
600 2.20 × 10-4 152
700 2.57 × 10-4 177
800 2.93 × 10-4 203
900 3.30 × 10-4 228
1000 3.67 × 10-4 254
2000 7.34 × 10-4 507
3000 0.00110 761
4000 0.00147 1010
5000 0.00183 1270
6000 0.00220 1520
7000 0.00257 1770
8000 0.00293 2030
9000 0.00330 2280
1.00 × 104 0.00367 2540
2.00 × 104 0.00734 5070
3.00 × 104 0.0110 7610
4.00 × 104 0.0147 1.01 × 104
5.00 × 104 0.0183 1.27 × 104
6.00 × 104 0.0220 1.52 × 104
7.00 × 104 0.0257 1.77 × 104
8.00 × 104 0.0293 2.03 × 104
9.00 × 104 0.0330 2.28 × 104
1.00 × 105 0.0367 2.54 × 104
2.00 × 105 0.0734 5.07 × 104
3.00 × 105 0.110 7.61 × 104
3.00 × 105 0.110 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 5.00 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 3.30 × 10-5 8.22
20.0 5.66 × 10-5 14.1
30.0 8.49 × 10-5 21.1
40.0 1.13 × 10-4 28.2
50.0 1.42 × 10-4 35.2
60.0 1.70 × 10-4 42.3
70.0 1.98 × 10-4 49.3
80.0 2.26 × 10-4 56.3
90.0 2.55 × 10-4 63.4
100 2.83 × 10-4 70.4
200 5.66 × 10-4 141
300 8.49 × 10-4 211
400 0.00113 282
500 0.00142 352
600 0.00170 423
700 0.00198 493
800 0.00226 563
900 0.00255 634
1000 0.00283 704
2000 0.00566 1410
3000 0.00849 2110
4000 0.0113 2820
5000 0.0142 3520
6000 0.0170 4230
7000 0.0198 4930
8000 0.0226 5630
9000 0.0255 6340
1.00 × 104 0.0283 7040
2.00 × 104 0.0566 1.41 × 104
3.00 × 104 0.0849 2.11 × 104
4.00 × 104 0.113 2.82 × 104
5.00 × 104 0.142 3.52 × 104
6.00 × 104 0.170 4.23 × 104
7.00 × 104 0.198 4.93 × 104
8.00 × 104 0.226 5.63 × 104
9.00 × 104 0.255 6.34 × 104
1.00 × 105 0.283 7.04 × 104
1.08 × 105 0.306 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 10.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 5.29 × 10-4 32.9
20.0 9.06 × 10-4 56.3
30.0 0.00136 84.5
40.0 0.00181 113
50.0 0.00226 141
60.0 0.00272 169
70.0 0.00317 197
80.0 0.00362 225
90.0 0.00408 254
100 0.00453 282
200 0.00906 563
300 0.0136 845
400 0.0181 1130
500 0.0226 1410
600 0.0272 1690
700 0.0317 1970
800 0.0362 2250
900 0.0408 2540
1000 0.0453 2820
2000 0.0906 5630
3000 0.136 8450
4000 0.181 1.13 × 104
5000 0.226 1.41 × 104
6000 0.272 1.69 × 104
7000 0.317 1.97 × 104
8000 0.362 2.25 × 104
9000 0.408 2.54 × 104
1.00 × 104 0.453 2.82 × 104
2.00 × 104 0.906 5.63 × 104
2.70 × 104 1.22 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 15.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 0.00268 74.0
20.0 0.00459 127
30.0 0.00688 190
40.0 0.00917 254
50.0 0.0115 317
60.0 0.0138 380
70.0 0.0160 444
80.0 0.0183 507
90.0 0.0206 570
100 0.0229 634
200 0.0459 1270
300 0.0688 1900
400 0.0917 2540
500 0.115 3170
600 0.138 3800
700 0.160 4440
800 0.183 5070
900 0.206 5700
1000 0.229 6340
2000 0.459 1.27 × 104
3000 0.688 1.90 × 104
4000 0.917 2.54 × 104
5000 1.15 3.17 × 104
6000 1.38 3.80 × 104
7000 1.60 4.44 × 104
8000 1.83 5.07 × 104
9000 2.06 5.70 × 104
1.00 × 104 2.29 6.34 × 104
1.20 × 104 2.75 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 20.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 0.00846 132
20.0 0.0145 225
30.0 0.0217 338
40.0 0.0290 451
50.0 0.0362 563
60.0 0.0435 676
70.0 0.0507 789
80.0 0.0580 902
90.0 0.0652 1010
100 0.0725 1130
200 0.145 2250
300 0.217 3380
400 0.290 4510
500 0.362 5630
600 0.435 6760
700 0.507 7890
800 0.580 9020
900 0.652 1.01 × 104
1000 0.725 1.13 × 104
2000 1.45 2.25 × 104
3000 2.17 3.38 × 104
4000 2.90 4.51 × 104
5000 3.62 5.63 × 104
6000 4.35 6.76 × 104
6760 4.90 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 25.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 0.0206 206
20.0 0.0354 352
30.0 0.0531 528
40.0 0.0708 704
50.0 0.0884 880
60.0 0.106 1060
70.0 0.124 1230
80.0 0.142 1410
90.0 0.159 1580
100 0.177 1760
200 0.354 3520
300 0.531 5280
400 0.708 7040
500 0.884 8800
600 1.06 1.06 × 104
700 1.24 1.23 × 104
800 1.42 1.41 × 104
900 1.59 1.58 × 104
1000 1.77 1.76 × 104
2000 3.54 3.52 × 104
3000 5.31 5.28 × 104
4000 7.08 7.04 × 104
4320 7.65 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 30.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 0.0428 296
20.0 0.0734 507
30.0 0.110 761
40.0 0.147 1010
50.0 0.183 1270
60.0 0.220 1520
70.0 0.257 1770
80.0 0.293 2030
90.0 0.330 2280
100 0.367 2540
200 0.734 5070
300 1.10 7610
400 1.47 1.01 × 104
500 1.83 1.27 × 104
600 2.20 1.52 × 104
700 2.57 1.77 × 104
800 2.93 2.03 × 104
900 3.30 2.28 × 104
1000 3.67 2.54 × 104
2000 7.34 5.07 × 104
3000 11.0 7.61 × 104
3000 11.0 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 40.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 0.135 526
20.0 0.232 902
30.0 0.348 1350
40.0 0.464 1800
50.0 0.580 2250
60.0 0.696 2700
70.0 0.812 3160
80.0 0.927 3610
90.0 1.04 4060
100 1.16 4510
200 2.32 9020
300 3.48 1.35 × 104
400 4.64 1.80 × 104
500 5.80 2.25 × 104
600 6.96 2.70 × 104
700 8.12 3.16 × 104
800 9.27 3.61 × 104
900 10.4 4.06 × 104
1000 11.6 4.51 × 104
1690 19.6 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 50.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 0.330 822
20.0 0.566 1410
30.0 0.849 2110
40.0 1.13 2820
50.0 1.42 3520
60.0 1.70 4230
70.0 1.98 4930
80.0 2.26 5630
90.0 2.55 6340
100 2.83 7040
200 5.66 1.41 × 104
300 8.49 2.11 × 104
400 11.3 2.82 × 104
424 12.0 2.99 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 60.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 0.685 1180
20.0 1.17 2030
30.0 1.76 3040
40.0 2.35 4060
50.0 2.93 5070
60.0 3.52 6090
70.0 4.11 7100
80.0 4.70 8110
90.0 5.28 9130
100 5.87 1.01 × 104
200 11.7 2.03 × 104
204 12.0 2.07 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 70.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 1.27 1610
20.0 2.17 2760
30.0 3.26 4140
40.0 4.35 5520
50.0 5.44 6900
60.0 6.52 8280
70.0 7.61 9660
80.0 8.70 1.10 × 104
90.0 9.79 1.24 × 104
100 10.9 1.38 × 104
110 12.0 1.52 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 80.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 2.17 2100
20.0 3.71 3610
30.0 5.56 5410
40.0 7.42 7210
50.0 9.27 9020
60.0 11.1 1.08 × 104
64.7 12.0 1.17 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 90.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 3.47 2660
20.0 5.94 4560
30.0 8.91 6850
40.0 11.9 9130
40.4 12.0 9220
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 11.672 (12.00 inch tall × 11.672 lbf/ft)
L = 100 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
11.7 5.29 3290
20.0 9.06 5630
26.5 12.0 7470
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