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Glossary » Beams » Simply Supported » Uniformly Distributed Load » Three Equal Spans » Aluminum I Beam » 12.00 × 14.292
Aluminum I Beam | Single Span | Two Equal Spans | Three Equal Spans | Four Equal Spans

For a simply supported beam in three equal spans, we compute the displacement at the middle of the first and the third spans, and the maximum normal stress stress_max occuring at the second and third supports of the beam.
The tabulated data listed in this page are calculated based on the area moment of inertia (Ixx = 317.33 in4) for the 12.00 × 14.292 Aluminum I Beam and the typical Young's modulus (E = 1.015 × 107 psi) of Aluminum Alloys. Note that the typical yielding stress Yield of Aluminum Alloys can range from 4061 to 7.614 × 104 psi. The purpose of this page is to give a rough estimation of the load-bearing capacity of this particular beam, rather than a guideline for designing actual building structures. Please check your local building codes for regulatory requirements.
Note: The weight of the beam itself is not included in the calculation.
L = 3 ft
L = 5 ft
L = 10 ft
L = 15 ft
L = 20 ft
L = 25 ft
L = 30 ft
L = 40 ft
L = 50 ft
L = 60 ft
L = 70 ft
L = 80 ft
L = 90 ft
L = 100 ft
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 3.00 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 4.22 × 10-6 2.92
20.0 5.91 × 10-6 4.08
30.0 8.86 × 10-6 6.13
40.0 1.18 × 10-5 8.17
50.0 1.48 × 10-5 10.2
60.0 1.77 × 10-5 12.3
70.0 2.07 × 10-5 14.3
80.0 2.36 × 10-5 16.3
90.0 2.66 × 10-5 18.4
100 2.95 × 10-5 20.4
200 5.91 × 10-5 40.8
300 8.86 × 10-5 61.3
400 1.18 × 10-4 81.7
500 1.48 × 10-4 102
600 1.77 × 10-4 123
700 2.07 × 10-4 143
800 2.36 × 10-4 163
900 2.66 × 10-4 184
1000 2.95 × 10-4 204
2000 5.91 × 10-4 408
3000 8.86 × 10-4 613
4000 0.00118 817
5000 0.00148 1020
6000 0.00177 1230
7000 0.00207 1430
8000 0.00236 1630
9000 0.00266 1840
1.00 × 104 0.00295 2040
2.00 × 104 0.00591 4080
3.00 × 104 0.00886 6130
4.00 × 104 0.0118 8170
5.00 × 104 0.0148 1.02 × 104
6.00 × 104 0.0177 1.23 × 104
7.00 × 104 0.0207 1.43 × 104
8.00 × 104 0.0236 1.63 × 104
9.00 × 104 0.0266 1.84 × 104
1.00 × 105 0.0295 2.04 × 104
2.00 × 105 0.0591 4.08 × 104
3.00 × 105 0.0886 6.13 × 104
3.73 × 105 0.110 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 5.00 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 3.26 × 10-5 8.11
20.0 4.56 × 10-5 11.3
30.0 6.84 × 10-5 17.0
40.0 9.12 × 10-5 22.7
50.0 1.14 × 10-4 28.4
60.0 1.37 × 10-4 34.0
70.0 1.60 × 10-4 39.7
80.0 1.82 × 10-4 45.4
90.0 2.05 × 10-4 51.1
100 2.28 × 10-4 56.7
200 4.56 × 10-4 113
300 6.84 × 10-4 170
400 9.12 × 10-4 227
500 0.00114 284
600 0.00137 340
700 0.00160 397
800 0.00182 454
900 0.00205 511
1000 0.00228 567
2000 0.00456 1130
3000 0.00684 1700
4000 0.00912 2270
5000 0.0114 2840
6000 0.0137 3400
7000 0.0160 3970
8000 0.0182 4540
9000 0.0205 5110
1.00 × 104 0.0228 5670
2.00 × 104 0.0456 1.13 × 104
3.00 × 104 0.0684 1.70 × 104
4.00 × 104 0.0912 2.27 × 104
5.00 × 104 0.114 2.84 × 104
6.00 × 104 0.137 3.40 × 104
7.00 × 104 0.160 3.97 × 104
8.00 × 104 0.182 4.54 × 104
9.00 × 104 0.205 5.11 × 104
1.00 × 105 0.228 5.67 × 104
1.34 × 105 0.306 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 10.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 5.21 × 10-4 32.4
20.0 7.29 × 10-4 45.4
30.0 0.00109 68.1
40.0 0.00146 90.8
50.0 0.00182 113
60.0 0.00219 136
70.0 0.00255 159
80.0 0.00292 182
90.0 0.00328 204
100 0.00365 227
200 0.00729 454
300 0.0109 681
400 0.0146 908
500 0.0182 1130
600 0.0219 1360
700 0.0255 1590
800 0.0292 1820
900 0.0328 2040
1000 0.0365 2270
2000 0.0729 4540
3000 0.109 6810
4000 0.146 9080
5000 0.182 1.13 × 104
6000 0.219 1.36 × 104
7000 0.255 1.59 × 104
8000 0.292 1.82 × 104
9000 0.328 2.04 × 104
1.00 × 104 0.365 2.27 × 104
2.00 × 104 0.729 4.54 × 104
3.00 × 104 1.09 6.81 × 104
3.36 × 104 1.22 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 15.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.00264 73.0
20.0 0.00369 102
30.0 0.00554 153
40.0 0.00739 204
50.0 0.00923 255
60.0 0.0111 306
70.0 0.0129 357
80.0 0.0148 408
90.0 0.0166 459
100 0.0185 511
200 0.0369 1020
300 0.0554 1530
400 0.0739 2040
500 0.0923 2550
600 0.111 3060
700 0.129 3570
800 0.148 4080
900 0.166 4590
1000 0.185 5110
2000 0.369 1.02 × 104
3000 0.554 1.53 × 104
4000 0.739 2.04 × 104
5000 0.923 2.55 × 104
6000 1.11 3.06 × 104
7000 1.29 3.57 × 104
8000 1.48 4.08 × 104
9000 1.66 4.59 × 104
1.00 × 104 1.85 5.11 × 104
1.49 × 104 2.75 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 20.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.00834 130
20.0 0.0117 182
30.0 0.0175 272
40.0 0.0233 363
50.0 0.0292 454
60.0 0.0350 545
70.0 0.0408 635
80.0 0.0467 726
90.0 0.0525 817
100 0.0584 908
200 0.117 1820
300 0.175 2720
400 0.233 3630
500 0.292 4540
600 0.350 5450
700 0.408 6350
800 0.467 7260
900 0.525 8170
1000 0.584 9080
2000 1.17 1.82 × 104
3000 1.75 2.72 × 104
4000 2.33 3.63 × 104
5000 2.92 4.54 × 104
6000 3.50 5.45 × 104
7000 4.08 6.35 × 104
8000 4.67 7.26 × 104
8390 4.90 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 25.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.0204 203
20.0 0.0285 284
30.0 0.0427 425
40.0 0.0570 567
50.0 0.0712 709
60.0 0.0855 851
70.0 0.0997 993
80.0 0.114 1130
90.0 0.128 1280
100 0.142 1420
200 0.285 2840
300 0.427 4250
400 0.570 5670
500 0.712 7090
600 0.855 8510
700 0.997 9930
800 1.14 1.13 × 104
900 1.28 1.28 × 104
1000 1.42 1.42 × 104
2000 2.85 2.84 × 104
3000 4.27 4.25 × 104
4000 5.70 5.67 × 104
5000 7.12 7.09 × 104
5370 7.65 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 30.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.0422 292
20.0 0.0591 408
30.0 0.0886 613
40.0 0.118 817
50.0 0.148 1020
60.0 0.177 1230
70.0 0.207 1430
80.0 0.236 1630
90.0 0.266 1840
100 0.295 2040
200 0.591 4080
300 0.886 6130
400 1.18 8170
500 1.48 1.02 × 104
600 1.77 1.23 × 104
700 2.07 1.43 × 104
800 2.36 1.63 × 104
900 2.66 1.84 × 104
1000 2.95 2.04 × 104
2000 5.91 4.08 × 104
3000 8.86 6.13 × 104
3730 11.0 7.61 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 40.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.133 519
20.0 0.187 726
30.0 0.280 1090
40.0 0.373 1450
50.0 0.467 1820
60.0 0.560 2180
70.0 0.654 2540
80.0 0.747 2900
90.0 0.840 3270
100 0.934 3630
200 1.87 7260
300 2.80 1.09 × 104
400 3.73 1.45 × 104
500 4.67 1.82 × 104
600 5.60 2.18 × 104
700 6.54 2.54 × 104
800 7.47 2.90 × 104
900 8.40 3.27 × 104
1000 9.34 3.63 × 104
1290 12.0 4.67 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 50.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.326 811
20.0 0.456 1130
30.0 0.684 1700
40.0 0.912 2270
50.0 1.14 2840
60.0 1.37 3400
70.0 1.60 3970
80.0 1.82 4540
90.0 2.05 5110
100 2.28 5670
200 4.56 1.13 × 104
300 6.84 1.70 × 104
400 9.12 2.27 × 104
500 11.4 2.84 × 104
526 12.0 2.99 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 60.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 0.676 1170
20.0 0.945 1630
30.0 1.42 2450
40.0 1.89 3270
50.0 2.36 4080
60.0 2.84 4900
70.0 3.31 5720
80.0 3.78 6530
90.0 4.25 7350
100 4.73 8170
200 9.45 1.63 × 104
254 12.0 2.07 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 70.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 1.25 1590
20.0 1.75 2220
30.0 2.63 3340
40.0 3.50 4450
50.0 4.38 5560
60.0 5.25 6670
70.0 6.13 7780
80.0 7.01 8890
90.0 7.88 1.00 × 104
100 8.76 1.11 × 104
137 12.0 1.52 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 80.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 2.14 2080
20.0 2.99 2900
30.0 4.48 4360
40.0 5.98 5810
50.0 7.47 7260
60.0 8.96 8710
70.0 10.5 1.02 × 104
80.0 12.0 1.16 × 104
80.3 12.0 1.17 × 104
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 90.0 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 3.42 2630
20.0 4.79 3680
30.0 7.18 5510
40.0 9.57 7350
50.0 12.0 9190
50.1 12.0 9220
Aluminum I Beam: 12.00 × 14.292 (12.00 inch tall × 14.292 lbf/ft)
L = 100 ft
P (lbf/ft) w_max (in) stress_max (psi)
14.3 5.21 3240
20.0 7.29 4540
30.0 10.9 6810
32.9 12.0 7470
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