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Glossary » Units » Dynamic Viscosity » Gram Per Centimeter Per Second
Gram Per Centimeter Per Second (g/cm-s) is a unit in the category of Dynamic viscosity. It is also known as gram/centimeter-second. This unit is commonly used in the cgs unit system. Gram Per Centimeter Per Second (g/cm-s) has a dimension of ML-1T-1 where M is mass, L is length, and T is time. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit Pa-s by multiplying its value by a factor of 0.1.
Note that the seven base dimensions are M (Mass), L (Length), T (Time), Q (Temperature), N (Aamount of Substance), I (Electric Current), and J (Luminous Intensity).

Other units in the category of Dynamic viscosity include Centipoise (cP, cPo), Dyne Second Per Square Centimeter (dyn-s/cm2), Gram Force Second Per Square Centimeter (gf-s/cm2), Kilogram Force Second Per Square Meter (kgf-s/m2), Kilogram Per Meter Per Second (kg/m-s), Newton Second Per Square Meter (N-s/m2), Pascal Second (Pa-s), Poise (P, Po), Poiseuille, Pound Force Second Per Square Foot (lbf-s/ft2), Pound Mass Per Foot Second (lbm/ft-s), Pound Mass Per Inch Second (lbm/in-s), Reynolds (reyns) (reyns (reyn)), Slug Per Foot Second (slug/ft-s), and Slug Per Inch Second (slug/in-s).

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