Other units in the category of Electric charge include Abcoulomb (emu of Charge) (aC), Ampere-Hour (Ah), Coulomb (C), Electronic Charge, Electrostatic Ft-Lbf-Sec, Electrostatic Unit (esu), Franklin (Fr), and Statcoulomb (statC).

Glossary: Units: Volume Flow Rate Per Pressure Drop: Barrel (US, Petrol) Per Day-Psi
Glossary: Units: Density: Ounce (av.) Per Cubic Foot
Glossary: Units: Angle: Gon
Glossary: Units: Length: Mile (nautical, International)
Glossary: Units: Area: Quarter Section
Glossary: Units: Mass: Megagram
Glossary: Units: Electric Charge Surface Density: Coulomb Per Square Inch
Glossary: Units: Acceleration: Foot Per Square Second
Glossary: Units: Magnetic Field Strength: A.u. of Magnetic Field