Other units in the category of Electric charge include A.u. of Charge (a.u., e), Abcoulomb (emu of Charge) (aC), Ampere-Hour (Ah), Coulomb (C), Electronic Charge, Electrostatic Ft-Lbf-Sec, Franklin (Fr), and Statcoulomb (statC).
Glossary: Units: Area: Square Mile (int.)
Glossary: Units: Power (Heat Flow): Kilogram Force-Meter Per Second
Glossary: Units: Pressure: Pound Force Per Square Inch
Glossary: Units: Thermal Conductivity: Watt Per Centimeter Per Celsius Degree
Glossary: Units: Mass: Long Ton (UK)
Glossary: Units: Mass: Kilopound (kip)
Glossary: Units: Thermal Resistance Coefficient: R-Value (imperial)
Glossary: Units: Area: Acre
Glossary: Units: Luminous Intensity: Candle (int.)