Other units in the category of Electric conductivity include Microsiemens Per Centimeter (µS/cm), Microsiemens Per Foot (µS/ft), Microsiemens Per Inch (µS/in), Microsiemens Per Meter (µS/m), Reciprocal Ohm Per Centimeter (roc), Reciprocal Ohm Per Meter (rom), Siemens Per Centimeter (S/cm), Siemens Per Foot (S/ft), and Siemens Per Inch (S/in).

Glossary: Units: Velocity: Mile (stat.) Per Hour
Glossary: Units: Force: Ton Force (metric)
Glossary: Units: Density: Pound Mass Per Cubic Inch
Glossary: Units: Electric Conductivity: Microsiemens Per Inch
Glossary: Units: Thermal Conductivity: Watt Per Meter Per Celsius Degree
Glossary: Units: Angular Momentum, Action: A.u. of Action
Glossary: Units: Area: Square Mile (int.)
Glossary: Units: Mass Flow Rate: Gram Per Ten Minutes
Glossary: Units: Volume: Mease (UK)