Other units in the category of Electric current include Abampere (emu of Current) (aA, Bi), Ampere (A), Coulomb Per Second (C/s), Edison (edison), and Statampere (statA).
Glossary: Units: Moment, Torque: Poundal-Foot
Glossary: Units: Pressure: Barye
Glossary: Units: Angular Momentum, Action: Planck
Glossary: Units: Luminous Luminance: Lambert
Glossary: Units: Thermal Heat Transfer Coefficient: Watt Per Square Centimeter Per Kelvin
Glossary: Units: Electric Dipole Moment: A.u. of Electric Dipole Moment
Glossary: Units: Frequency: Hertz
Glossary: Units: Surface Tension: Poundal Per Inch
Glossary: Units: Force: Joule Per Centimeter