Other units in the category of Linear mass density include Denier (den, denier), Kilogram Per Meter (kg/m), Ounce (mass) Per Foot (oz/ft), Ounce (mass) Per Inch (oz/in), Pound (mass) Per Inch (lbm/in), and Tex (tex).
Glossary: Units: Electric Charge: Electrostatic Unit
Glossary: Units: Electric Conductivity: Siemens Per Centimeter
Glossary: Units: Moment, Torque: Pound Force-Foot
Glossary: Units: Length: Cable Length (US)
Glossary: Units: Mass Moment of Inertia: Kilogram-Square Meter
Glossary: Units: Area: Square Hectometer
Glossary: Units: Amount of Substance: Standard Cubic Foot
Glossary: Units: Radioactivity Concentration: Curie Per Liter
Glossary: Units: Volume: Ounce (US, Liq.)