Other units in the category of Logarithm of a ratio include Bel (voltage) (B (voltage)), Decibel (power) (dB (power)), Decibel (voltage) (dB (voltage)), and Neper (NP).
Glossary: Units: Length: Parsec
Glossary: Units: Acceleration: Foot Per Square Second
Glossary: Units: Pressure: Micron of Mercury (millitorr)
Glossary: Units: Solid Angle: Square Arcsec
Glossary: Units: Frequency: Cycles Per Second
Glossary: Units: Area: Square Mil (thou)
Glossary: Units: Volume Flow Rate: Cubic Foot Per Second
Glossary: Units: Power (Heat Flow): Ton (refrigeration, US)
Glossary: Units: Volume: Liter