Other units in the category of Luminous luminance include Apostilb (asb), Candela Per Square Meter (cd/m2), Candle Per Square Centimeter (candle/cm2), Candle Per Square Inch (candle/in2), Candle Per Square Meter (candle/m2), Foot-Lambert (ft-L), Lambert (L), Nit (nit), and Stilb (sb).
Glossary: Units: Specific Acoustic Impedance: Kilogram Per Square Meter Second
Glossary: Units: Mass: Dram (troy)
Glossary: Units: Time: Second
Glossary: Units: Dynamic Viscosity: Kilogram Per Meter Per Second
Glossary: Units: Surface Density: Ounce Mass Per Square Inch
Glossary: Units: Luminous Luminance: Candle Per Square Inch
Glossary: Units: Mass: Pound (UK, Straw)
Glossary: Units: Electric Charge: Statcoulomb
Glossary: Units: Radiation, Specific Energy: Rad