Other units in the category of Magnetic field strength include Gamma (g), Gauss (G, Gs), Newton Per Ampere Per Meter (N/A-m), and Tesla (T).
Glossary: Units: Magnetic Dipole Moment: A.u. of Magnetic Dipole Moment
Glossary: Units: Magnetic Flux: Tesla Square Meter
Glossary: Units: Pressure: Millimeter of Water (15.56°C)
Glossary: Units: Kinematic Viscosity: Square Inch Per Second
Glossary: Units: Mass Flow Rate: Pound Mass Per Minute
Glossary: Units: Specific Volume: Cubic Meter Per Kilogram
Glossary: Units: Power (Heat Flow): Watt (int. Mean)
Glossary: Units: Energy: Tce (tonne Coal Equivalent)
Glossary: Units: Permeability: Grain Per Hour Per Square Foot Per Inch of Mercury (0°C)