Other units in the category of Permeability coefficient include Perm-Inch (0°C) (perm-inch (0 °C)), Perm-Inch (23°C) (perm-inch (23 °C)), Perm-Mil (0°C) (perm-mil (0 °C)), and Perm-Mil (23°C) (perm-mil (23 °C)).
Glossary: Units: Fraction: Part Per Thousand
Glossary: Units: Magnetomotive Force: Ampere (mmf)
Glossary: Units: Length: X-Unit
Glossary: Units: Electric Capacitance: Abfarad
Glossary: Units: Surface Tension: Kilogram Force Per Meter
Glossary: Units: Power (Heat Flow): Watt (int. US)
Glossary: Units: Pressure: Inch of Water (15.56°C)
Glossary: Units: Illuminance: Phot
Glossary: Units: Mass Flow Rate: Slug Per Minute