Other units in the category of Pressure include Atmosphere (metric) (at), Atmosphere (standard) (atm), Bar (bar), Barad (barad), Barye, CentiHg (0°C), Centimeter of Mercury (0°C) (cmHg (0 °C)), Centimeter of Water (4°C) (cmH2O), Dyne Per Square Centimeter (dyn/cm2), Foot of Water (4°C) (ft H2O), Gigapascal (GPa), Hectopascal (hPa), Inch of Mercury (0°C) (inHg (0 °C)), Inch of Mercury (15.56°C) (inHg (15.56 °C)), Inch of Water (15.56°C) (inH2O (15.56 °C)), Inch of Water (4°C) (inH2O (4 °C)), Kilogram Force Per Square Centimeter (kgf/cm2), Kilogram Force Per Square Decimeter (kgf/dm2), Kilogram Force Per Square Meter (kgf/m2), Kilogram Force Per Square Millimeter (kgf/mm2), Kilopascal (kPa), Kilopound Force Per Square Inch (kip/in2, ksi, KSI), Megapascal (MPa), Meter of Water (15.56°C) (mH2O, mCE (15.56 °C)), Meter of Water (4°C) (mH2O, mCE (4 °C)), Microbar (barye, Barrie) (µbar), Micron of Mercury (millitorr) (µHg (0 °C)), Millibar (mbar), Millimeter of Mercury (0°C) (mmHg, torr, Torr (0 °C)), Millimeter of Water (15.56°C) (mmH2O, mmCE (15.56 °C)), Millimeter of Water (4°C) (mmH2O, mmCE (4 °C)), Millitorr (mtorr), Newton Per Square Meter (N/m2), Ounce Force (av.) Per Square Inch (ozf/in2, osi), Pascal (Pa, N/m2), Pound Force Per Square Foot (lbf/ft2), Pound Force Per Square Inch (psi, PSI, lbf/in2), Poundal Per Square Foot (pdl/ft2), Poundal Per Square Inch (pdl/in2), Ton Force (long) Per Square Foot (tonf/ft2 (UK)), Ton Force (long) Per Square Inch (tonf/in2 (UK)), Ton Force (metric) Per Square Centimeter (tonf/cm2 (metric)), Ton Force (metric) Per Square Meter (tonf/m2 (metric)), Ton Force (short) Per Square Foot (tonf/ft2 (US)), Ton Force (short) Per Square Inch (tonf/in2 (US)), and Torr (torr).

Glossary: Units: Pressure: Inch of Mercury (15.56°C)
Glossary: Units: Magnetic Field Strength: Tesla
Glossary: Units: Data (Binary): Megabinarybit (mebibit)
Glossary: Units: Kinematic Viscosity: Square Meter Per Hour
Glossary: Units: Acceleration: Normal Acceleration
Glossary: Units: Power (Heat Flow): British Thermal Unit (IT) Per Second
Glossary: Materials: Polymers: Polyamide: Nylon (PA 12)
Glossary: Units: Energy: Hartree
Glossary: Units: Length: Femtometer