
52 conversions, showing those commonly used | Show all

255 MPa =

Pressure | ||
Symbol | Unit Name | |
2516.65 | atm | atmosphere (standard) |
2550 | bar | bar |
1.91266×105 | cmHg (0 °C) | centimeter of mercury (0°C) |
2.60035×106 | cmH2O | centimeter of water (4°C) |
2.55×109 | dyn/cm2 | dyne per square centimeter |
8.53133×104 | ft H2O | foot of water (4°C) |
0.255 | GPa | gigapascal |
7.53016×104 | inHg (0 °C) | inch of mercury (0°C) |
1.02473×106 | inH2O (15.56 °C) | inch of water (15.56°C) |
2600.28 | kgf/cm2 | kilogram force per square centimeter |
2.60028×107 | kgf/m2 | kilogram force per square meter |
36.9846 | kip/in2, ksi, KSI | kilopound force per square inch |
2.55×106 | mbar | millibar |
2.55×108 | Pa, N/m2 | pascal |
5.32579×106 | lbf/ft2 | pound force per square foot |
3.69846×104 | psi, PSI, lbf/in2 | pound force per square inch |
1.91266×106 | torr | torr |