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Mechanical Engineers Outlook

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Essentials of Manufacturing

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a.u. of energy
Symbol:  Eh 
Category:  Energy 
SI Equivalent:  4.35975×10-18 J
Dimension ML2T-2 
System:  a.u. 
1 a.u. of energy = 1 hartree = 2 rydbergs
Convert     Eh  
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1 Eh =
  Symbol Unit Name
7.12377×10-28  bboe  barrel oil equivalent 
4.13224×10-21  Btu (IT)  British thermal unit (IT) 
4.12906×10-21  Btu (mean)  British thermal unit (mean) 
4.13501×10-21  Btu (therm.)  British thermal unit (thermochemical) 
1.043×10-21  Cal, kcal  Calorie (diet kilocalorie) 
1.04051×10-18  calmean  calorie (mean) 
1.042×10-18  cal (therm.)  calorie (thermochemical) 
27.2114  eV  electronvolt 
4.35975×10-11  erg  erg 
3.21559×10-18  ft-lbf  foot-pound force 
1.03458×10-16  ft-pdl  foot-poundal 
1.62403×10-24  Hp-h  horsepower (550ft-lbf/s)-hour 
4.35975×10-18  J  joule 
1.04163×10-21  kcal15  kilocalorie (15°C) 
1.03692×10-21  kcal4  kilocalorie (4°C) 
4.35975×10-21  kJ  kilojoule 
1.043×10-30  kt (TNT)  kiloton TNT equivalent 
1.21104×10-24  kWh  kilowatt-hour 
2.72114×10-5  MeV  megaelectronvolt 
4.35975×10-24  MJ  megajoule 
1.043×10-33  Mt (TNT)  megaton TNT equivalent 
1.48848×10-28  tce  tce (tonne coal equivalent) 
4.13323×10-26    therm (US) 
1.043×10-27  ton (TNT)  ton TNT equivalent 
1.21104×10-21  Wh  watt hour 
Mechanical Engineers Outlook

Guide for those interested in becoming a mechanical engineer. Includes qualifications, pay, and job duties.

Essentials of Manufacturing

Information, coverage of important developments and expert commentary in manufacturing.

Negotiate Your Salary

Learn the best principles to negotiate the salary you deserve!

CNC Machining Design Guide

Optimize your designs, reduce machining time, and lower your costs.