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Salary Expectation

8 things to know about the interview question "What's your salary expectation"?

Mechanical Engineers Outlook

Guide for those interested in becoming a mechanical engineer. Includes qualifications, pay, and job duties.

3D Scanners

A white paper to assist in the evaluation of 3D scanning hardware solutions.

Injection Molding Design Guide

Guide for high quality and cost-effective plastic injection molding.

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perm-mil (23°C)
Symbol:  perm-mil (23 °C) 
Category:  Permeability coefficient 
SI Equivalent:  1.45929×10-15 kg/Pa-m-s
Convert     perm-mil (23 °C)  
1 perm-mil (23 °C) =
Permeability coefficient
  Symbol Unit Name
1.45929×10-15  kg-m/N-s  kilogram meter per newton per second 
1.00418×10-3  perm-inch (0 °C)  perm-inch (0°C) 
10×10-4  perm-inch (23 °C)  perm-inch (23°C) 
1.00418  perm-mil (0 °C)  perm-mil (0°C) 
  Symbol Unit Name
60.329  a.u.  a.u. of time 
1.68899×10-15    blink 
1.68899×10-20  d  day 
1.69362×10-20  d (sider.)  day (sidereal) 
1.20642×10-21    fortnight 
4.05358×10-19  h  hour 
1.5525×108    Jordan's elementary time 
1.45929×10-9  ms  microsecond 
1.45929×10-12  ms  millisecond 
2.43215×10-17  min, mn  minute 
5.62998×10-22    month (30 days) 
6.18188×10-22    month (sidereal) 
5.55285×10-22    month (solar mean) 
5.71947×10-22    month (synodic), lunar month 
1.45929×10-6  ns  nanosecond 
1.45929×10-15  s  second 
1.45929×10-7    shake 
2.41285×10-21  w  week 
4.37787×10-6    wink 
4.62417×10-23  aastr.  year (astronomical), Bessel year 
4.62738×10-23  a, y  year (calendar) 
4.62413×10-23    year (sidereal) 
4.62421×10-23  a, y  year (solar mean) 
4.62431×10-23  atrop.  year (tropical) 
Salary Expectation

8 things to know about the interview question "What's your salary expectation"?

Mechanical Engineers Outlook

Guide for those interested in becoming a mechanical engineer. Includes qualifications, pay, and job duties.

3D Scanners

A white paper to assist in the evaluation of 3D scanning hardware solutions.

Injection Molding Design Guide

Guide for high quality and cost-effective plastic injection molding.