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Metal 3D Printing Design Guide

Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) 3D printing for parts with reduced cost and little waste.

CNC Machining Design Guide

Optimize your designs, reduce machining time, and lower your costs.

STEM Career Outlook

Wages, employment opportunities, and growth projections for STEM jobs.

Salary Expectation

8 things to know about the interview question "What's your salary expectation"?

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Symbol:  J 
Category:  Energy 
SI Equivalent:  1 J
Dimension ML2T-2 
System:  SI 
Named after the English physicist James Prescott Joule (1818-1889), the joule is the basic unit of work or energy in the SI system. It is equal to the work done by a force of 1 newton with the point of application displaced by 1 meter in the direction of the force.
Convert     J  
1 J =
  Symbol Unit Name
2.29371×1017  Eh  a.u. of energy 
1.63399×10-10  bboe  barrel oil equivalent 
1.63399×10-10  bboe  bboe (barrel oil equivalent) 
6.24151×109  BeV  BeV (billion eV) 
9.47813×10-4  Btu (ISO)  British thermal unit (ISO) 
9.47817×10-4  Btu (IT)  British thermal unit (IT) 
9.47086×10-4  Btu (mean)  British thermal unit (mean) 
9.48452×10-4  Btu (therm.)  British thermal unit (thermochemical) 
0.238949  cal15  calorie (15°C) 
0.23784  cal4  calorie (4°C) 
2.39234×10-4  Cal, kcal  Calorie (diet kilocalorie) 
0.238849  cal (IT)  calorie (IT) (International Steam Table) 
0.238662  calmean  calorie (mean) 
0.239006  cal (therm.)  calorie (thermochemical) 
5.26543×10-4  Chu  Celsius-heat unit 
C-V  coulomb volt 
9.86923  cm3-atm  cubic centimeter-atm 
3.48529×10-4  ft3-atm  cubic foot atm 
6.24151×1018  eV  electronvolt 
10×106  erg  erg 
0.737562  ft-lbf  foot-pound force 
23.7304  ft-pdl  foot-poundal 
6.24151×109  GeV  gigaelectronvolt 
0.238849  gram-cal  gram calorie 
2.29371×1017  Eh  hartree 
3.72506×10-7  Hp-h  horsepower (550ft-lbf/s)-hour 
8.85075  in-lbf  inch pound force 
2.3892×10-4  kcal15  kilocalorie (15°C) 
2.3784×10-4  kcal4  kilocalorie (4°C) 
6.24151×1015  keV  kiloelectronvolt 
1×10-3  kJ  kilojoule 
2.39234×10-13  kt (TNT)  kiloton TNT equivalent 
2.77778×10-7  kWh  kilowatt-hour 
6.24151×1012  MeV  megaelectronvolt 
1×10-6  MJ  megajoule 
2.39234×10-16  Mt (TNT)  megaton TNT equivalent 
N-m  newton meter 
9.47867×10-22    Q unit 
9.47817×10-19  quad  quad 
9.47817×10-19  quad  quadrillion 
4.58742×1017  Ry  rydberg 
3.41413×10-11  tce  tce (tonne coal equivalent) 
9.47817×10-9    therm (EEG) 
9.48043×10-9    therm (US) 
2.3892×10-7  th15 °C  thermie (15°C) 
2.38834×10-11  toe  toe (tonne oil equivalent) 
2.39234×10-10  ton (TNT)  ton TNT equivalent 
3.41413×10-11  tce  tonne coal equivalent 
2.38834×10-11  toe  tonne oil equivalent 
2.77778×10-4  Wh  watt hour 
Moment, Torque
  Symbol Unit Name
10×106  dyn-cm  dyne-centimeter 
1.01972×104  gf-cm  gram force-centimeter 
0.101972  kgf-m  kilogram force-meter 
100  N-cm  newton-centimeter 
1  N-m  newton-meter 
141.612  ozf-in  ounce force-inch 
0.737562  lbf-ft  pound force-foot 
8.85075  lbf-in  pound force-inch 
23.7304  pdl-ft  poundal-foot 
Metal 3D Printing Design Guide

Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) 3D printing for parts with reduced cost and little waste.

CNC Machining Design Guide

Optimize your designs, reduce machining time, and lower your costs.

STEM Career Outlook

Wages, employment opportunities, and growth projections for STEM jobs.

Salary Expectation

8 things to know about the interview question "What's your salary expectation"?