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CNC Machining Design Guide

Optimize your designs, reduce machining time, and lower your costs.

Mechanical Engineers Outlook

Guide for those interested in becoming a mechanical engineer. Includes qualifications, pay, and job duties.

STEM Career Outlook

Wages, employment opportunities, and growth projections for STEM jobs.

Negotiate Your Salary

Learn the best principles to negotiate the salary you deserve!

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square petameter
Symbol:  Pm2 
Category:  Area 
SI Equivalent:  1×1030 m2
Dimension L2 
System:  SI 
Convert     Pm2  
1 Pm2 =
  Symbol Unit Name
2.47105×1026  ac, acre  acre 
1×1028  a  are 
1×1058  b  barn 
2.55618×1030  bbl (US, liq.)/ft  barrel (US, liq.) per foot 
2.13015×1029  bbl (US, liq.)/in  barrel (US, liq.) per inch 
1.91713×1030  bbl (US, petrol)/ft  barrel (US, petrol) per foot 
1.59761×1029  bbl (US, petrol)/in  barrel (US, petrol) per inch 
1×1030    centare 
1.97353×1033  cin  circular inch 
1.97353×1039  cmil  circular mil 
1×1026  ha  hectare 
1.21295×1026    morgen (Dutch) 
3.94907×1026    morgen (Prussian) 
1.1675×1026    morgen (South Africa) 
1.54441×1024    quarter section 
9.88422×1026    rood (UK) 
3.86102×1023  sq.mi, mi2 (stat.)  section (square statute mile) 
1×1082    shed 
1×1034  cm2  square centimeter 
1.07639×1027  sq. ch. (engineer's)  square chain (engineer's) 
2.47105×1027  sq. ch. (Gunter's)  square chain (Gunter's) 
1×1028  dam2  square decameter 
1×1032  dm2  square decimeter 
1×10-6  Em2  square exameter 
1×1060  fm2  square femtometer 
1×1060  f2  square fermi 
1.07639×1031  ft2  square foot 
1×1012  Gm2  square gigameter 
1×1026  hm2  square hectometer 
1.55×1033  in2, sq. in  square inch 
1×1024  km2  square kilometer 
1×1018  Mm2  square megameter 
1×1030  m2  square meter 
1×1042  µm2  square micrometer 
1.55×1039  mil2  square mil (thou) 
1.81554×1022  sq. mi. (geogr.)  square mile (geographical) 
2.91553×1023  sq. mi. (int. naut.)  square mile (int. naut.) 
3.86101×1023  sq. mi. (int.)  square mile (int.) 
1×1036  mm2  square millimeter 
10×1047  nm2  square nanometer 
3.95366×1028  rd2  square perch 
10×1053  pm2  square picometer 
3.95366×1028  rd2  square pole 
3.95366×1028  rd2  square rod 
1×106  Tm2  square terameter 
1.19599×1030  yd2, sq. yd  square yard 
1×1078  ym2  square yoctometer 
2.93874×10-9  Ym2  square yottameter 
9.99473×1071  zm2  square zeptometer 
2.93874×10-9  Zm2  square zettameter 
1.07251×1022    township (US) 
5.55987×1026    vergee (Jersey) 
6.48652×1026    vergees (Guernsey) 
Fuel Consumption
  Symbol Unit Name
4.25144×1035  gal/mile  gallon per mile 
1×1038  l/100 km  liter per 100 kilometers 
1×1036  l/km  liter per kilometer 
Hydrodynamic permeability
  Symbol Unit Name
1.01325×1042    darcy 
CNC Machining Design Guide

Optimize your designs, reduce machining time, and lower your costs.

Mechanical Engineers Outlook

Guide for those interested in becoming a mechanical engineer. Includes qualifications, pay, and job duties.

STEM Career Outlook

Wages, employment opportunities, and growth projections for STEM jobs.

Negotiate Your Salary

Learn the best principles to negotiate the salary you deserve!