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Negotiate Your Salary

Learn the best principles to negotiate the salary you deserve!

Metal 3D Printing Design Guide

Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) 3D printing for parts with reduced cost and little waste.

CNC Machining Design Guide

Optimize your designs, reduce machining time, and lower your costs.

3D Scanners

A white paper to assist in the evaluation of 3D scanning hardware solutions.

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calorie (IT) per second
Symbol:  cal (IT)/s 
Category:  Power (Heat flow) 
SI Equivalent:  4.18674 W
Dimension ML2T-3 
Convert     cal (IT)/s  
1 cal (IT)/s =
Power (Heat flow)
  Symbol Unit Name
4.18674×107  aW  abwatt (emu of power) 
14.2858  Btu (IT)/h  British thermal unit (IT) per hour 
0.238096  Btu (IT)/min  British thermal unit (IT) per minute 
3.96826×10-3  Btu (IT)/s  British thermal unit (IT) per second 
14.2953  Btu (therm.)/h  British thermal unit (therm.) per hour 
0.238255  Btu (therm.)/min  British thermal unit (therm.) per minute 
3.97092×10-3  Btu (therm.)/s  British thermal unit (therm.) per second 
3600  cal (IT)/h  calorie (IT) per hour 
60  cal (IT)/min  calorie (IT) per minute 
2580.87  cal (therm.)/h  calorie (therm.) per hour 
60.0393  cal (therm.)/min  calorie (therm.) per minute 
1.00065  cal (therm.)/s  calorie (therm.) per second 
5.69238×10-3  cv, HP  cheval-vapeur (horsepower) 
4.18674×107  dyn-cm/s  dyne-centimeter per second 
4.18674×107  erg/s  erg per second 
1.11167×104  ft-lbf/h  foot-pound force per hour 
185.279  ft-lbf/min  foot-pound force per minute 
3.08798  ft-lbf/s  foot-pound force per second 
99.3528  ft-pdl/s  foot-poundal per second 
5.61451×10-3  HP  horsepower (550 ft-lbf/s) 
4.26805×10-4  HP  horsepower (boiler) 
5.61451×10-3  BHP, hp  horsepower (British) 
5.69238×10-3  cv, HP  horsepower (cheval-vapeur) 
5.69238×10-3  HP  horsepower (metric) 
5.61193×10-3  HP  horsepower (water) 
0.426929  kgf-m/s  kilogram force-meter per second 
4.18674×10-3  kW  kilowatt 
4.26929×10-2    prony 
1.06731×10-3  CTR (UK)  ton (refrigeration, UK) 
1.1905×10-3  CTR (US)  ton (refrigeration, US) 
4.18674  VA  volt-ampere 
4.18674  W  watt 
4.18594  W  watt (int. mean) 
4.18605  W  watt (int. US) 
Negotiate Your Salary

Learn the best principles to negotiate the salary you deserve!

Metal 3D Printing Design Guide

Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) 3D printing for parts with reduced cost and little waste.

CNC Machining Design Guide

Optimize your designs, reduce machining time, and lower your costs.

3D Scanners

A white paper to assist in the evaluation of 3D scanning hardware solutions.