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Salary Expectation

8 things to know about the interview question "What's your salary expectation"?

Metal 3D Printing Design Guide

Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) 3D printing for parts with reduced cost and little waste.

STEM Career Outlook

Wages, employment opportunities, and growth projections for STEM jobs.

Essentials of Manufacturing

Information, coverage of important developments and expert commentary in manufacturing.

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link (surveyor's)
Category:  Length 
SI Equivalent:  0.201168 m
System:  UK 
1 link (surveyor's) = 1/100 chain (surveyor's)
Convert     link (surveyor's)  
1 link (surveyor's) =
  Symbol Unit Name
3.80152×109  a.u., a0, b  a.u. of length 
2.01168×109  Å  angstrom 
691.565  arcmin  arcmin 
1.34473×10-12  AU, UA  astronomical unit 
2.01168×1017  am  attometer 
23.76    barleycorn (UK) 
3.80152×109  a0, b  bohr (first Bohr radius) 
5.5×10-3    bolt (US cloth) 
95.04  line (UK)  button (UK) 
316.8  line (US)  button (US) 
1.08622×10-3    cable length (int.) 
1.08553×10-3    cable length (UK) 
9.16667×10-4    cable length (US) 
792  caliber, cin  caliber (centiinch) 
20.1168  cm  centimeter 
6.6×10-3  ch  chain (engineer's) 
10×10-3  ch  chain (Gunter's) 
6.6×10-3  ch  chain (Ramsden's) 
10×10-3  ch  chain (surveyor's) 
0.44    cubit (UK) 
2.01168×10-2  dam  decameter 
2.01168  dm  decimeter 
7.13883×1013  re  electron classical radius 
0.176    ell 
47.6984    ems (pica) 
2.01168×10-19  Em  exameter 
0.11  fath  fathom 
2.01168×1014  fm  femtometer 
2.01168×1014  F, f  fermi 
3.80152×109  a0, b, a.u.  first Bohr radius 
0.66  ft  foot 
603.504  fr  French 
1×10-3  fur  furlong (UK) 
1×10-3  fur  furlong (US) 
2.01168×10-10  Gm  gigameter 
1.98  hd  hand (UK) 
2.01168×10-3  hm  hectometer 
2.12639×10-26    hubble 
7.92  in  inch 
2.01168×10-4  km  kilometer 
6.51941×10-21  kpc  kiloparsec 
4.16756×10-5    league (Canadian) 
3.62073×10-5  leag. (int. naut.)  league (int. naut.) 
4.16667×10-5  leag. (stat.)  league (statute, land) 
3.61842×10-5  leag. (UK, naut.)  league (UK, naut.) 
3.61842×10-5  leag. (US, naut.)  league (US, naut.) 
7.76648×10-15    light-day 
1.86396×10-13    light-hour 
1.11837×10-11    light-minute 
6.71024×10-10    light-second 
2.12639×10-17  ly  light-year 
95.04  line (UK)  line (UK) 
316.8  line (US)  line (US) 
0.66    link (engineer's) 
  link (Gunter's) 
0.66    link (Ramsden's) 
2.01168×10-7  Mm  megameter 
0.201168  m  meter 
7.92×106  µin  microinch 
2.01168×105  µm  micron 
7920  mil, thou  mil (thou) 
2.71058×10-5  mile (geogr.)  mile (geographical) 
1.25×10-4  mi (int.)  mile (international) 
1.08622×10-4  mi (naut., int.)  mile (nautical, international) 
1.08428×10-4  mi (naut., teleg.)  mile (nautical, telegraph) 
1.08553×10-4  mi (naut., UK, US)  mile (nautical, UK, US) 
1.25×10-4  mi (stat.)  mile (statute, land) 
1.25×10-4  mi (survey, US)  mile (survey, US) 
201.168  mm  millimeter 
2.01168×108  mµ, nm  millimicron 
0.88    nail (UK) 
2.01168×108  nm  nanometer 
1.08622×10-4  mi (int. naut.)  nautical mile (international) 
1.08553×10-4  mi (UK, US, naut.)  nautical mile (UK, US) 
0.264    pace (UK) 
2.64    palm (UK) 
6.51941×10-18  pc  parsec 
4×10-2  rd  perch (rod, pole) 
2.01168×10-16  Pm  petameter 
47.6982    pica 
2.01168×1011  pm  picometer 
572.378    point (US printer's) 
4×10-2  rd  pole (rod, perch) 
2.01168×10-8    quadrant 
4×10-2  rd  rod (perch, pole) 
3.3×10-2    rope (UK) 
0.88    span 
2.01168×10-13  Tm  terameter 
7920  thou, mil  thou (mil) 
2.01126×1012  UX, X  X-unit 
0.22  yd  yard 
2.01168×1023  ym  yoctometer 
2.01168×10-25  Ym  yottameter 
2.01168×1020  zm  zeptometer 
2.01168×10-22  Zm  zettameter 
Salary Expectation

8 things to know about the interview question "What's your salary expectation"?

Metal 3D Printing Design Guide

Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) 3D printing for parts with reduced cost and little waste.

STEM Career Outlook

Wages, employment opportunities, and growth projections for STEM jobs.

Essentials of Manufacturing

Information, coverage of important developments and expert commentary in manufacturing.