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3D Scanners

A white paper to assist in the evaluation of 3D scanning hardware solutions.

Salary Expectation

8 things to know about the interview question "What's your salary expectation"?

Injection Molding Design Guide

Guide for high quality and cost-effective plastic injection molding.

Essentials of Manufacturing

Information, coverage of important developments and expert commentary in manufacturing.

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Symbol:  Ry 
Category:  Energy 
SI Equivalent:  2.17987×10-18 J
Dimension ML2T-2 
Convert     Ry  
1 Ry =
  Symbol Unit Name
0.5  Eh  a.u. of energy 
3.56189×10-28  bboe  barrel oil equivalent 
3.56189×10-28  bboe  bboe (barrel oil equivalent) 
1.36057×10-8  BeV  BeV (billion eV) 
2.06611×10-21  Btu (ISO)  British thermal unit (ISO) 
2.06612×10-21  Btu (IT)  British thermal unit (IT) 
2.06453×10-21  Btu (mean)  British thermal unit (mean) 
2.06751×10-21  Btu (therm.)  British thermal unit (thermochemical) 
5.20878×10-19  cal15  calorie (15°C) 
5.18462×10-19  cal4  calorie (4°C) 
5.21501×10-22  Cal, kcal  Calorie (diet kilocalorie) 
5.20661×10-19  cal (IT)  calorie (IT) (International Steam Table) 
5.20254×10-19  calmean  calorie (mean) 
5.21002×10-19  cal (therm.)  calorie (thermochemical) 
1.1478×10-21  Chu  Celsius-heat unit 
2.17987×10-18  C-V  coulomb volt 
2.15137×10-17  cm3-atm  cubic centimeter-atm 
7.5975×10-22  ft3-atm  cubic foot atm 
13.6057  eV  electronvolt 
2.17987×10-11  erg  erg 
1.60779×10-18  ft-lbf  foot-pound force 
5.17292×10-17  ft-pdl  foot-poundal 
1.36057×10-8  GeV  gigaelectronvolt 
5.20661×10-19  gram-cal  gram calorie 
0.5  Eh  hartree 
8.12016×10-25  Hp-h  horsepower (550ft-lbf/s)-hour 
1.92935×10-17  in-lbf  inch pound force 
2.17987×10-18  J  joule 
5.20816×10-22  kcal15  kilocalorie (15°C) 
5.18462×10-22  kcal4  kilocalorie (4°C) 
1.36057×10-2  keV  kiloelectronvolt 
2.17987×10-21  kJ  kilojoule 
5.21501×10-31  kt (TNT)  kiloton TNT equivalent 
6.05521×10-25  kWh  kilowatt-hour 
1.36057×10-5  MeV  megaelectronvolt 
2.17987×10-24  MJ  megajoule 
5.21501×10-34  Mt (TNT)  megaton TNT equivalent 
2.17987×10-18  N-m  newton meter 
2.06623×10-39    Q unit 
2.06612×10-36  quad  quad 
2.06612×10-36  quad  quadrillion 
7.44238×10-29  tce  tce (tonne coal equivalent) 
2.06612×10-26    therm (EEG) 
2.06662×10-26    therm (US) 
5.20816×10-25  th15 °C  thermie (15°C) 
5.20629×10-29  toe  toe (tonne oil equivalent) 
5.21501×10-28  ton (TNT)  ton TNT equivalent 
7.44238×10-29  tce  tonne coal equivalent 
5.20629×10-29  toe  tonne oil equivalent 
6.05521×10-22  Wh  watt hour 
Moment, Torque
  Symbol Unit Name
2.17987×10-11  dyn-cm  dyne-centimeter 
2.22285×10-14  gf-cm  gram force-centimeter 
2.22285×10-19  kgf-m  kilogram force-meter 
2.17987×10-16  N-cm  newton-centimeter 
2.17987×10-18  N-m  newton-meter 
3.08696×10-16  ozf-in  ounce force-inch 
1.60779×10-18  lbf-ft  pound force-foot 
1.92935×10-17  lbf-in  pound force-inch 
5.17292×10-17  pdl-ft  poundal-foot 
3D Scanners

A white paper to assist in the evaluation of 3D scanning hardware solutions.

Salary Expectation

8 things to know about the interview question "What's your salary expectation"?

Injection Molding Design Guide

Guide for high quality and cost-effective plastic injection molding.

Essentials of Manufacturing

Information, coverage of important developments and expert commentary in manufacturing.