Other units in the category of Thermal heat capacity include British Thermal Unit (IT) Per Pound Mass (Btu (IT)/lbm), British Thermal Unit (therm.) Per Pound Mass (Btu (therm.)/lbm), Calorie (IT) Per Gram (cal (IT)/g), Calorie (therm.) Per Gram (cal (therm.)/g), Joule Per Kilogram (J/kg), Kilocalorie (IT) Per Kilogram (Cal (IT)/kg, kcal/kg), and Kilowatt-Hour Per Kilogram (kWh/kg).
Glossary: Units: Volume Flow Rate: Cubic Inch Per Minute
Glossary: Units: Volume: Cubic Yard
Glossary: Units: Kinematic Viscosity: Stokes
Glossary: Units: Electric Current Density: Ampere Per Square Centimeter
Glossary: Units: Volume: Cup (US, Liq.)
Glossary: Units: Area Moment of Inertia: Bisquare Centimeter
Glossary: Units: Thermal Heat Transfer Coefficient: British Thermal Unit (therm.) Per Square Foot Per Hour Per Fahrenheit Degree
Glossary: Units: Area: Square Zeptometer
Glossary: Units: Force: Newton