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Epoxy has been mass-produced since 1946.
  - It is a thermoset polyadduct.
- Applications: Epoxy is commonly used in adhesives and reactive molding compounds.
- General properties: Epoxy possesses many useful properties: air curable, highly fillable, low shrinkage, low susceptibility to stress formation, good adhesion to almost all materials, high tensile and vibrational strength, high heat resistance, high heat deformation resistance, high chemical attack resistance, good aging properties, good electrical and dielectrical properties, odorless, tasteless, and low flammability.
- Trade Name: Acme, Aerolam, Basoset, Beckopx, Conapoxy, Corlar, Cycom, DER, Desmobond, Dobeckot, Dynopon, Ecco, Epikote, Epocast, Epodite, Eprosin, Eurepox, Exatron, Grilonit, Hysol, Isochembond, Lekutherm, Lopox, Nikalet, Paraplex, Quartrex, Scotchcast, Synthane.
Specific Grades of Epoxy
Salary Expectation

8 things to know about the interview question "What's your salary expectation"?

Selecting the Right 3D Printer

Discover how to choose the right 3D printer for your needs and the key performance attributes to consider.

Negotiate Your Salary

Learn the best principles to negotiate the salary you deserve!

STEM Career Outlook

Wages, employment opportunities, and growth projections for STEM jobs.